Prepared to Take on the World

Armed with their qualifications and enhanced certifications, Nilai U graduates look set to tackle real world.


 Nilai U - Convocation Ceremony

“I consider a human soul without education like marble in the quarry, which shows none of its inherent beauties till the skill of the polisher fetches out the colours, makes the surface shine, and discovers every ornamental cloud, spot and vein that runs through the body of it. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul,” said Datuk Dr Megat Burhainuddin Megat Abdul Rahman, Nilai University (Nilai U) Vice-Chancellor, quoting English playwright Joseph Addison in his speech at the institution’s convocation 2013. Using the quote to highlight the importance of higher education, Dr Megat also took the opportunity to highlight the part played by Nilai U teachers and staff in moulding their young charges into mature, well-rounded individuals who are ready to make a positive contribution to society. “We are responsible for bringing out the best in each and every one of you. To help transform you from active teenagers to responsible young adults ready to face the world and all its challenges. We are responsible for turning the raw material into much sought after finished products,” he emphasised.


Datuk Dr Megat Burhainuddin

Datuk Dr Megat Burhainuddin, Vice-Chancellor of Nilai University delivered his speech during the convovation ceremony.


Among the “finished products”, there were 20 students from the degree programmes who managed to score first class honours while 115 diploma students achieved distinctions. This year, the Valedictorian as well as the special award winners all hailed from the department of accounting and finance. In his speech, Valedictorian for the Class of 2013, Sue Wye Hong, paid tribute to Nilai U lecturers whose dedication and enthusiasm helped students fulfil their academic potential. “These lecturers are able to provide local-centric examples and experiences that will be relevant to students when we join the workforce,” he added. Concurring with those sentiments were Choo Yau Sean and Vu Hoang Yen Linh. The former was the recipient of the BDO Award which is given to the student who obtains the highest CGPA in the BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance programme. (This prize is awarded by BDO Malaysia, a member firm of BDO International, the world’s 5th largest network of professional services firms.) The latter, who hails from Vietnam, won the Graham Upton Achievement Award for scoring the highest total marks in the final year modules of a programme validated by Oxford Brookes University. (This award honours Prof Graham Upton who served as Oxford Brookes Vice-Chancellor from 1997 till 2007.)

All three high achievers were also keen to point out that they have totally enjoyed their varsity experience and believed that Nilai U philosophy of blending academic pursuit with plenty of extracurricular activities has had a beneficial effect. They also said that they would miss the tranquillity of Nilai U’s 105-acre campus as they prepare to embark on their professional careers.

This year’s convocation also sees students from relevant programmes being awarded enhanced certification to go along with their diploma and degrees. Dr Megat was keen to stress to all the graduates receiving such certification to make full use of the extra qualification. Referring to the graduates from the School of Hospitality and Tourism who received additional certification from the Malaysian Food and Beverage Executives Association (MFBEA), the Vice-Chancellor said that they were in a favourable position going into the job market as many potential employers are members of MFBEA and will know the value of such certification.

This year’s graduation ceremony was also noteworthy as it graduates were conferred their scrolls by the recently installed Chancellor of Nilai U, Prof Emeritus Tengku Dato’ Shamsul Bahrin. Tengku Shamsul had previously served as Nilai U president. Also present was the Peter Inman, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Oxford Brookes University, UK, who awarded scrolls to programmes which have been validated by his institution.

Nilai U was established in 1997 and received full ‘university’ status last year. It is also rated Setara 5/Excellent by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency. For more information, please browse our website or Nilai U’s Facebook page. Counsellors can be reached at 06-8502308 / 07-2262336 / 03-79603089.