Congratulations to one of our lecturers, Pn. Noor Zuhaili Md Yasin for winning the 3rd place (Silver medal) in the Programming Competition 2022, organised by Kuliyyah ICT, International Islamic University of Malaysia collaboration with Fatihah Education Consultants. This competition consisted of 21 participants among other IPTA/ IPTS and boarding schools and was held on 13 August 2022.
This programming competition was open for all students and lecturers in different categories where the participants had to attempt 7 problem statements. Each problem consists of a statement describing the problem with several tasks and participants may use any programming language to solve. Pn. Noor Zuhaili Md Yasin managed to solve 5 out of 7 problems using Python and Java programming languages in a duration of 2 hours. Kudos to Pn. Noor Zuhaili Md Yasin for her achievement.
“I hope that this can motivate everyone to become competitive and not afraid of competitions” - Noor Zuhaili Md Yasin